Worldcon is the annual convention of the World Science Fiction Society (WSFS). It was first held in 1939 and, after a hiatus during WWII, has been held continuously since 1946. The membership of WSFS is every member of the current Worldcon. There is no Board of Directors or Central Committee of WSFS that manages Worldcons or that selects future sites. The sites of future Worldcons are decided by WSFS members via a bidding process that is open to any group that meets a small number of technical requirements.
The currently selected Worldcons are shown below. Each Worldcon is an independent organization. Except for a small number of things (the administration of the Hugo Awards, the rules for selecting future Worldcon sites, and the process for changing the rules for the Hugo Awards and Site Selection), Worldcons are independent of each other.
Worldcons sell “memberships,” not “tickets.” To attend a Worldcon, you must purchase an attending membership from that Worldcon. To join a Worldcon, contact the individual Worldcon directly. Worldcons also sell a “supporting” (non-attending) memberships that give you membership rights in the World Science Fiction Society, including the right to nominate and vote on the Hugo Awards.
Click on the appropriate image to go to that convention’s website. For details of bids for forthcoming Worldcons click here.